
After completing her undergraduate degree in bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania in 2020, 16岁的劳伦·德雷克选择继续她的学业,现在正在攻读博士学位.D. 范德比尔特大学生物医学工程专业. 在宾夕法尼亚大学期间, 劳伦是肖特实验室的一名本科生研究员, studying the biochemical mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration and contributing to multiple projects and papers. 除了这些追求, she completed minors in creative writing and journalism and received Honors in English for her creative thesis. 作为范德比尔特大学李普曼实验室的一员, Lauren improves the complexity of brain organoids for use as a physiologically relevant neurodegenerative disease model. She was recently awarded a National Institutes of Health T32 Alzheimer’s Disease training grant. She is also a member of the executive board of the Diversity and Science Lecture Series at Vanderbilt.
疯牛病生物工程, University of Pennsylvania; currently pursuing PhD Biomedical Engineering, 范德比尔特大学

I became interested in tissue engineering research as a part of the Future City team in seventh grade at Ellis, so I majored in bioengineering in college and focused on being involved in research. I was primarily engaged in biochemistry and neurodegeneration research while I was an undergraduate, and also had the opportunity to engage in tissue engineering research one summer through a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, 对于我的博士学位.D., I selected a lab that specifically focused on tissue-engineered 3D brain models for use in studying neurodegenerative diseases.

Is there a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career?
I was a co-author on a paper that was an international collaboration assessing the biochemical mechanisms of several novel mutations discovered in patients diagnosed with multisystem proteinopathy, 一种具有许多神经退行性症状的遗传性疾病. It was my job to introduce patient-specific mutations into the genetic DNA, 表达突变蛋白, and then observe how it aggregated and altered toxicity compared to the unmutated control protein. We observed several different mechanisms that may have impacted each disease state, which suggests that corresponding treatments may also need to be mechanism- or mutation-specific. 

随着时间的推移,你的职业道路发生了怎样的变化? 你一直都知道你想做你现在做的事吗? 
当我还是个孩子的时候,我真的很想成为一名兽医. 我十二岁时改变了主意. 我是澳门新葡新京官方大学未来城市团队的一员, and our essay assignment that year was on medical advances of the future. We came up with an idea for this portable bioreactor sleeve for limb regeneration. I thought it was just the coolest idea ever, and I decided I wanted to be a tissue engineer. So here I am eleven years later, working on neural tissue engineering advances.

把一切都写下来. 不要忘记任何细节. 如果你犯了错误, 从中吸取教训——不要老是碰壁, 一遍又一遍地尝试同样的事情,而不改变你正在做的事情.

I deeply enjoyed my senior year Raku and wood firings and all the other arts opportunities I had. 而我现在的职业重心是工程, I really enjoyed all of the opportunities I had to engage in the arts—visual, 文学, 和执行. 

We often talk about girls developing their voice at Ellis, what does that mean to you? 你如何使用你的声音?
我不认为声音必须是尖叫才能有影响力. I am never the loudest voice in the room, but I definitely learned to use mine. I mainly think of how my voice has been used within and in support of my communities. 当我开始上大学的时候, I was concerned about being supported as I navigated my ongoing mental illnesses, so I co-founded a chapter of Project LETS (Let’s Erase the Stigma) on my campus to function as a support and advocacy group for students with lived experience of mental illness. I attended conferences and worked with the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law on altering existing policies, 但主要是, 我试图成为任何挣扎的人的支持来源. Our group held monthly support dinners where we all talked through our current challenges, and I helped students initiate asking for accommodations and tried to be present as a person to lean on.  

I deeply appreciated how much space I was given to explore the things that interested me. 很明显,我走在一条非常注重科学的道路上, 但我仍然有很大的灵活性去上艺术课, 写诗, 在音乐剧中表演, 做对我重要的事, 即使它们不一定符合我最初的职业规划. It’s useful to be engaged in practices I value and enjoy beyond my employment, 比如小说写作, 并更多地了解种族主义等相关问题, 法律, 气候变化. 尽管我的主要研究领域是神经变性, 我仍然根据我关心和感兴趣的东西来学习. 

这是一件相对简单的事情,但老实说,它在我的职业生涯中非常有用. 当我们在中学做《澳门官方老葡京》的时候, we would have no shame in emailing researchers about their work to try and learn more. 有些人不会帮上忙的, 但我记得我八年级的时候,我们的绿色能源论文, 我们正在研究“人工光合作用”,” and at the time this lab in Switzerland was putting out research related to that. We ended up maintaining an email correspondence with those scientists and they thoughtfully answered all of our questions and helped us ensure our project ideas were scientifically accurate. 这对我们小时候意义重大, 甚至当我开始我的研究生涯时, I discovered that if something in a scientific paper doesn’t make sense to you, 或者你对他们的技术有疑问, 问一问总无伤大雅! Asking questions has been so hard for me, but the most important skill I’ve developed. 

我喜欢读小说和非小说类书籍. I like listening to news and science podcasts while I cook dinner or drive somewhere. I knit sweaters and blankets, I spend time with my wonderful cats, I try to keep up with writing. My boyfriend and I love going on hikes and playing through pinball museums and vintage arcades. I also just got a kayak, so on weekend mornings, I’m paddling at the lake. 



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